Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some Personal Loans For Bad Credit SUCK

Personal loans for people with bad credit are often the worst kind of loan on the planet. The problem is that the lender has to take on a lot of risk and that makes it so they have to charge ridiculous interest to hedge the risk they're taking on. There really isn't much of a way to avoid this. Payday loans and other types of high risk personal loans are going to be taken out and honestly they should be made illegal. The interest is so extreme is pushes many people to bankruptcy.

If you're going to take out personal loans when you have bad credit, I would highly recommend finding a cosigner. This will pass the risk onto them and will help you to rebuild your crappy credit. You might take offense that I'm saying your credit is crap but honestly you did it to yourself so don't get pissed at me, it's your own freaking fault. Maybe you should start paying your freaking bills on time so your FICO score doesn't suck.

Step 2...stay away from payday loans and start paying your freaking bills on time.

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